Yes, we know why to save snakes for the human requirement of a healthy ecosystem. You are already well informed we have some snake rescuer around Nepal. How to call a snake rescuer for a rescue?
Simply ring them. I present to you the personal connection to some dedicated volunteer snake rescuers from Nepal. They may rescue the snake inside your property and may be eligible to help you with your queries about snakes.

I hope you understand the best option for the conservation of snake is not rescue. Instead, we have to learn tom live with snakes. We should try to understand their potential as human tangible and intangible necessities.
Try to recognize a snake living around us; try to understand why they are in your place. Take action to make your surrounding not favorable for snakes. That’s how; we really can reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality to both humans and snake due to human snake conflict.
That may be my dream come true scene. I would love to see it.
Organized groups such as, Raise Hands Nepal conducts three hours of academy “Smile for Snakes” with the objective to introduce communities and students towards snake and snakebite management. After legal registration in 2013, they have done more than 60 academies along with active participation in rescue, awareness campaigns, and translocation to reduce snake human conflict throughout Nepal. Raise Hands Nepal had contributed to producing scientific facts about snakes like (New records of snakes from Chitwan National Park and vicinity, Central Nepal) contributing snake rescue data.
Similarly, the Snake Conservation Society Nepal is also actively involved in the rescue of snakes, research, and education. Nepal Toxicology Association is another institution working in a similar area powered by experienced experts based at Kaligandaki Hospital, Kawaswoti, Nawalparasi. Mithila Wildlife Trust is helping people and snakes in the problem at Janakpur.

We believe, seeing a snake killed by human hate is worse than a snake dies due to our ignorance. Both ways, we are not helping Mother Nature to be in favor of us.
Prabin Pandey (9814142349, 9742515665) and Arson Chettri (9826928444)Pokhara area Kaski, Rohit Giri (9866344156), Rishi Baral (9856038360), Keshav Raj Sapkota (9848024195), and Roshan Giri (9840290781) in Kaski
Deep Kandel (9855012887) in Baglung, Sagar Pandey (9847455657) in Palpa
Shyam Pradhan (9842731570) in Jhapa
Ganesh Shah (9815847339) in Janakpur Area(Dhanushadham, Dhalkebar, Janakpur) from Dhanusha District
Kamal Devkota (9860800342) in Rupandehi
Chet Bdr. Saru (Kanchha) (9847124683) in Saina Maina, Sal Jahandi, Rupandehi
Bimal Sharma Kandel (9845692389) and Amod Ghimire (9865005828) in Nawalparasi
Prem Bista (9842397231) in Morang
Vasant Subedi (9862415055),
Chiranjivi Khanal (9841820954) at Lamahi, and Prabhat Bhandari (9801334889), and Pukar khanal (9847835585) at Tulshipur in Dang
Abhash Pradhan (9844453777) in Sarlahi
Subodh Acharya (9843286283) from DakshinKali area, and Niroj Karki (9849517193) in kathmandu
Dev Narayan Mandal (981-7629229) in Janakpur
Yam Rawat (9846711759) in Kanchanpur Yamlal Bhandari (9855081753) in Bharatpur
Prithvi Narayan Sharma (9856055058) in Syangja
Puskal Nepal (9845703048) in Tadi
Yamlal Bhandari (9855081753), Anirudra Sapkota (9845070473) and Sunil Sapkota (9845364525) in Bharatpur, Chitwan are taking over rescue works around the vicinity of the respective locality.
There are 3789 snake species in the world. “Medically Important Snakes and Snakebite Management in Nepal”, book by Deb Prashad Pandey (Ph.D.) and Dr. Chhabilal Thapa Magar summarize the occurrence of 18 medically important snakes among 70 species with distinct locality record in Nepal.
When a venomous snake bites, venom spare no one. Be it a rescuer or a farmer. So, being careful and reasonable distance with a snake is recommended. I found snake do not bite until harmed.
Please be mindful, these volunteers are helping snake and you by themselves. Please provide possible financial help along with support in the rescue task with calm. Refrain giving instruction to a snake rescuer, which may distract them. Do not call unnecessary people and home-based national geographic enthusiast for showoff photo or videography, they disturb.
This list of people ready to rescue snakes is not complete. I request you to provide details of people working to help snakes and snake people. I add the provided information instantly for everyone.
Come let’s help snakes for benefit of humanity

Writer Sunil Sapkota is a pioneer dedicated snake rescuer at Chitwan. He is the founder president at Raise Hands Nepal and runs Smile for Snakes campaign. You can always contact him for further information and suggestion on his Facebook pages “save snakes” or “snakes of Nepal“.