“Coca-Cola was sold for only Five-cents a glass”. However, Coca-Cola Company now is the world’s largest beverage with the best customer satisfaction policy. It was awarded several times for its good service and products. In 1993, With the motive to minimize its environmental impacts, the Coca-Cola Company made the switch to polyethylene terephthalate plastic bottles. At that time, it was believed to be environmentally friendly. Adding to that, a new prototype was launched in an effort to reduce the impact of plastic pollution. So, the Coca-Cola Company had also achieved the official “Green” status.

Packaging waste and Climate Change has been an interconnected global challenge. Coca-Cola has been thriving for change in its packaging to focus on clean and sustainable business all over the world. “Sustainability is a part of our business. We, at Coca-Cola, believe sustainability has to go hand in hand with business”, said Sundeep Bajoria, Vice President Operations, South West Asia at Coca-Cola.
The first generation of Paper Bottle Prototype was launched when Coca-Cola became part of The paper Bottle Company and Paboco Pioneer Community in 2019. They have been collaborating to introduce the First Paper Bottle prototype for a World without Waste.
This prototype is the first step on the way to achieving sustainability and creating a healthy environment. This design of paper bottle adheres to sustainable packaging helps to prevent the world from deadly plastic pollution in the world. Stijn Franssen, Packaging Innovation Manager at Coca-Cola, who is working on the project said, “This is the first-generation prototype. It still consists of a paper shell with plastic closure and a plastic liner inside. But the plastic we use is made from 100% recycled plastic that can be recycled again after use. But our vision is to create a paper bottle that can be recycled as paper can. Our further step is to find a solution to create a bottle without a plastic liner.”
They are experimenting with its strength, quality, longevity, and health assurance by adjusting in various temperature modes from hot to cold and target to collect and recycle a bottle wherever they sell, by 2030. Additionally, they aim to substantially reduce the use of virgin packaging materials and replace them with 100% recyclable materials.
This would be the best initiative for all plastic packaging companies provided it fulfils what it has promised in reality. Other soft drink companies, drinking water companies can also take initiatives. For a healthy and green world, globally distributed products need to be conscious about their environmental impacts. If a global company like ‘Coca-Cola’ is aiming for a sustainable trajectory, then sure can every other companies.
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