Biodiversity Nepal
For the Future Generation

Green Twist on New Year’s Resolutions

2021 is here!!! It’s time for a fresh start!!

New Year Resolution

The New Year Resolution is a tradition, most common in the western culture in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behaviour in order to accomplish a personal goal or to improve their life. In short, your New Year Resolution could be any goal which you want to achieve in a particular year. 

Welcoming 2021, a new beginning, might feel different this year because of challenges of 2020. Immediately “Returning to normal”, living life prior to COVID-19 is highly unlikely. The global pandemic is still not over, but cheers! We made it up to here! 

The pandemic year, 2020 has served as a reminder that unexpected events can change our life plans. So, resolutions for this New Year can provide us with a positive vibe and new outlook towards life, especially our earth. It’s high time to think about our planet, environment and greenery. Let’s get together to follow simple-super-easy resolutions with some green twists that anyone can do by maintaining social distance.

Say No to Plastic Bag. Source: Pinterest

1.  Think about what you are buying; DON’T BUY CRAP!

You should not underestimate your power as a customer. Be conscious of what, where and how you purchase. One of the best ways to do that is by simply buying less. Every second, a truck full of clothing and textiles garbage is landfilled or incinerated. It does not matter whether you are an online or in-person shopping lover, there are some practices to consider for a better environment. Excess boxes and non-recyclable packaging materials practices should never be promoted.

2. Skip single-use plastic bags!

Carrying reusable bags everywhere you shop is a simple way to reduce pollution. Did you know that those convenient plastic grocery bags are only used for an average of 15-20 minutes? Meanwhile, they have a lifespan of 500–5,000 years in the landfill. Just stick to a reusable bag in your purse or backpack, or stash one in your desk. It’s that simple.

3. Add more greens to your food!

Animal agriculture has an enormous impact on climate change, contributing as much greenhouse gases. Going plant-based is one of the most powerful ways to reduce our personal carbon footprints. So this year, resolve to eat clean, grass-fed, pasture-raised meat, dairy and eggs whenever possible, and make a big difference for small farmers and the environment by supporting pasture restoration with your wallet. Eat organic! Organic costs a bit more upfront, but this is money well spent because your food will be more nutritious and you won’t have to worry about the health effects of eating GMOs, toxic pesticides, or sewage sludge.

Plant-based food. Source: Pinterest

4. Stop wasting food!

Most of us don’t realize how much food we throw away every day, from uneaten leftover to spoiled one. Food waste includes the half-eaten meal left on the plate at a restaurant, food scraps from preparing a meal at home and the sour milk a family pours down the drain.  From farm to fork, food is wasted or lost in every step. When we waste food, we are not just wasting food; We are wasting all the resources that went into growing it. One part of the world does not have enough food to eat while others are throwing all away. Throwing away foods is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry.

Speak up!

Speak up if you are served with unnecessary plastic cutlery. Ask for paper and leave behind plastic coffee lids. Speak and advocate as a customer by asking for recyclable packaging. Never underestimate your single step that can bring a huge change in nature. Resolutions are all about the future, but if we don’t do our part to protect the environment, there might not be a future- at least one we’d want to live in. So this year, remember that your individual choices, no matter how big or small, make an impact in your local community, and inevitably the world.

Many blessings to all of you! May 2021 be a healthy, abundant, prosperous and eco-friendly year!

Anima Singh, is a student of BSc (Hons) Environmental Science at NAMI College.

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