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Strange World of Cats ft. Kaley Dhadey
Why are cats strange, wild, sleepy yet adorable? How much do you know about your own cat?
Sleep is Superpower
Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature's best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. In this deep dive into the science of…
Technology Connects, Cannot Disconnect
Technology means those tools which are developed to make our work easier and are updated with the change in time. People are afraid of its abuse but we should…
Results in nature by lockdown in COVD-19
According to a scientist, due to less or no use of factories and industries, it results in positive impact on the ozone layer. People are reusing the plastic…
Climate Change Myths
In 1987 carbon collecting device was invented by china which gathers the carbon from the environment (surrounding, sky) and takes it inside the land. Many…
Human civilizations aren’t well developed because humans are categorized according to their wealth. Due to weak in politics, the greedy people of health and…
Centralization is better than decentralization.
Corruption is increasing because of loopholes in the law so that we can’t raise our voice saying happy Nepali happier Nepal. Our country was changed in a…
Centralization or decentralization
In a centralized country, every citizen has their own rights to choose which is right or wrong but in decentralized country citizen voice can’t be able to reach…
Eastern or western culture
Western culture has changed and helped Nepali women by replacing the kitchen room into the cabin and offices. Western cultures treat men and women equally and…
Climate change and carbon emission
From the past few years, human beings are trying to control the use of carbon or fuel by using the alternative way i.e. using electronic or hybrid vehicles. In…