Biodiversity Interactions Raging a war against the Wildlife poaching Dec 13, 2020 In spite of the strict laws and actions, poaching and trading of wildlife are widespread. It is a billion-dollar business and criminals function in…
CORONA Is Air Pollution Increasing the COVID-19 Death Rate? Dec 4, 2020 The aftermath of coronavirus is associated with respiratory and cardiovascular problems, similar to the effects of air pollution. So, there is no…
Pollution New York Will Finally Enforce Its Plastic Bag Ban Oct 20, 2020 New Yorkers currently use around 23 billion plastic bags a year, but only use each bag for an average of 12 minutes, according to DEC figures reported…
CORONA Are Traditional Medicinal Herbs useful to prevent from Corona Virus? Oct 17, 2020 The purpose of this article is to give a brief overview of our herbs that have the ability to fight disease and to explain the method of use and…
Feel of Nature Raju’s century; connecting science to citizen Jun 13, 2020 Raju specially thanked journalist Umesh Shrestha for trusting him and encouraging him to write articles to sensitize the public. He also thanked the…