Wild Stories Youths can help Human-Wildlife to Co-exist Nov 10, 2020 Like us, every animal needs to live. Among them, Snakes play an important role to maintain prey-predator relationships and balance the ecological…
People for Nature Linear Infrastructures: Choking Biodiversity to Death Oct 24, 2020 The unprecedented growth of poorly planned infrastructure is amplifying the threats on Biodiversity conservation. These infrastructures are also the…
Biodiversity Interactions Unusual Wildlife Encounters Oct 22, 2020 There have been multiple sightings of previously unseen creatures in a small village in Central Nepal. Nationwide, it definitely is a big issue. But…
Nature Technology Research Center for Snow-Leopard in Taplejung Oct 20, 2020 After extending 1 year of the contract, this construction work will be completed by 2020/21. This will promote the study of the world's rare wildlife…
Feel of Nature Raju’s century; connecting science to citizen Jun 13, 2020 Raju specially thanked journalist Umesh Shrestha for trusting him and encouraging him to write articles to sensitize the public. He also thanked the…
Nature Blogs Insight to Human-wildlife conflicts Jun 8, 2020 In a survey in the period of 5 years (2010-2014) elephants were found to be involved in 30% of the HWC incident. While the wild cats like leopards and…